M17 • Publication of the web module dedicated to the NetPlusUltra®-sustained model of society
28/10/2015 00:00 Indexed under: Published 2015 | www.daniela-berndt.tld
https://rightsfolio.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/(Visible redirection from "http://www.net-plus-ultra.org" deleted on 2024-03-18 as part of the reactivation of the multi-domain)
Project timeline
Website in development since 2013-03-24.Continue readingM16 • Launch of a 2nd WordPress-based specifications module
WordPress at OVH
https://www.ovh.com/fr/hebergement-web/site/wordpress.xmlProject timeline
CMS module under access-restriction since its installation.Continue readingM15 • Publication of the web module dedicated to the NetPlusUltra®-sustained economic model
14/06/2015 00:00 Indexed under: Published 2015 | www.daniela-berndt.tld
https://gridfolio.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/Project timeline
Website in development since 2015-05-22.Continue readingM14 • Publication of my professional RSS dashboard 2015
01/01/2015 00:00 Indexed under: Published 2015 | www.daniela-berndt.tld