Metafolio v3.9.6/2024

M45 • Publication of the placeholder page to my professional RSS dashboard 2024

Placeholder page

Project timeline
Website in development since 2022-12-07.Continue reading

M44 • "Internal" pre-publication of a specs module dedicated to the integration of 3rd-party audiovisual contents

Stopover page

Project timeline
  • Website in development since 2021-02-16.
  • Removal of IP-based access restriction on 2023-07-01.
Continue reading

M43 • Creation of a subdomain for the internal preview of app-based websites in development


Related modules

Project timeline
See module 32/2018Continue reading

M42 • Pre-publication of my professional RSS dashboard 2023

Placeholder page

Project timeline
Website in development since 2022-12-13.Continue reading

M41 • Publication of the web construction panel dedicated to my web form-enabled contact point specifications


Project timeline
Website in development since 2022-10-25.Continue reading